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Educators + Families


Are you a parent or educator interested in learning more about alternative education models, serving diverse learners, or integrating place-based education into your curriculum and daily practice?

Perhaps, you already have a vision, but lack the personal experience or the unbiased sounding board that is invaluable in the early (and every!) stage of business?

Scheduling a one-time or series of recurring consulting calls with Jackie Gallo, Roots Founder and Director of Elementary Education, is likely the supportive guide you’ve been looking for.

Extremely knowledgeable about the process of visioning, creating, marketing, and launching an independent school, Jackie is an advocate for educational choice and learning environments that adapt to the needs of the children, rather than the other way around.


Choose Your Consulation Package:

60 Minute Consultation
5 Hour Consultation Package


Public / Independent Schools


As we emerge from years of pandemic-related interruptions, the needs and expectations of parents and children have changed dramatically. The increase in anxiety, depression, and social challenges among young children continues to be well-documented. Families are aware of the physical and emotional needs of their school-aged children as it relates to learning in new ways, after navigating virtual learning environments together.

The big missing piece?

Thoughtfully integrated environmental education designed to support both academic learning and social-emotional wellness and get children and educators outdoors and into their community! At Roots, we believe strongly that connection - to both place and to each other - is the missing link in most educational environments. It also happens to be our specialty.

If you’re looking to launch a program, create a plan to apply for a grant, or have already received funding but need help creating a cohesive program let our years of combined experience in ecology, outdoor education, play-based therapy, mindfulness, and program management be your guide.


Investment depends on the scale of the project and level of support needed.



Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch!